Woman Dies Of Electrocution While Removing Phone From Charging; Know Ways To Protect Yourself From Electric Hazards
An electric shock occurs when someone has direct contact with a high-voltage current that travels th...
An electric shock occurs when someone has direct contact with a high-voltage current that travels th...
Every 30 seconds, someone in the world will experience a flare-up of their asthma or chronic obstruc...
Around 5–10% of people with COVID infections go on to experience long COVID, with symptoms lasting t...
Picking up the right oil for your cooking needs affects not just your weight, but what you fry, bake...
Lost Weight, Gained Back? Study Reveal Why It Happens So Fast (Image Credits: iStock) Have you ever ...
A new paper provides a stark reminder that the virus responsible for COVID-19 is still spreading, wi...
Why Do We Feel Thirsty Even After Drinking Enough Water? (Image Credits: iStock) Feeling thirsty aft...
Image - Canva Imagine being told not to think of a pink elephant. Almost immediately, the image of a...
Inflammation affects many parts of your body that you cannot see Inflammation in your body is a resp...
Rahman says investing energy in reading, writing, and even listening to music can help you heal ment...
Blood In Your Urine? It Could Be A Warning Sign For THESE Serious Conditions (Image Credits: iStock)...
Image - Canva Heart attacks remain one of the leading causes of death globally, but did you know men...