Posted By
Debosmita Ghosh
Publish Date
November 06, 2024
Blog Category

Health Benefits Of Kapalbhati And How To Do It

Photo : iStock
The word yoga means to connect or unite. To connect with the self or divine self or your soul. There are eight different parts of yoga which include yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. When you perform all of these, it helps you to achieve enlightenment. Yoga asanas and pranayama can help to cure several health conditions and manage their symptoms.
Pranayama is the practice of breath control in yoga which helps to improve mental clarity, reduce stress and benefit overall health. The word ‘pranayama’ comes from the Sanskrit words ‘prana’ which means ‘life or breath’ and ‘ayama’ which means ‘control’ and together means breath control. There are different types of breathing techniques such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), Kapalbhati (belly breathing) and Bhramari (humming breath) among others. All of these help to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby, helping in relaxation, mental focus and emotional balance.
One of these pranayamas is Kapalbhati. The word ‘kapalbhati’ comes from the Sanskrit words ‘kapal’ which means ‘skull’ and ‘bhati’ which means ‘shining’ and together means that this pose can bring clarity to one’s mind. Kapalbhati is known to have several benefits.
But first, take a look at how to perform Kapalbhati correctly, according to Art Of Living.
  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect. Place your hands on the knees with palms open to the sky.
  • Take a deep breath in.
  • As you exhale, pull your navel back towards the spine. Do as much as you comfortably can. You may keep your right hand on the stomach to feel the abdominal muscles contract.
  • As you relax the navel and abdomen, the breath flows into your lungs automatically.
  • Take 20 such breaths to complete one round of Kapalbhati.
  • After completing the round, relax with your eyes closed and observe the sensations in your body.
  • Do two more rounds of Kapalbhati.

Benefits of Kapalbhati

Improves Lung Capacity and Respiratory Health

Kapalbhati requires forceful exhalation which helps clear the lungs and improves respiratory efficiency, thereby, helping in lung function over time.

Detoxifies the Body

The rapid breathing technique helps to expel carbon dioxide and other toxins from the body, thereby, cleansing the respiratory system.

Improves Digestion and Metabolism

This pranayama engages the abdominal muscles, massages internal organs and stimulates the digestive system. This can help to improve metabolism, thereby, helping in better digestion and nutrient absorption.

Strengthens Abdominal Muscles

The forceful exhalation is beneficial for the core muscles, thereby, toning and strengthening the abdomen. This can improve posture and support overall physical fitness.

Boosts Mental Clarity and Focus

Kapalbhati increases oxygen supply to the brain which can help improve concentration, mental clarity and reduce feelings of mental fatigue or fog.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

This breathing technique helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby, helping in relaxation. It can helps to reduce stress levels and symptoms of anxiety.
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